facing the potato
a performative act in four parts by e.a.t. collective exploring about the potato in all its peculiar potential in the framework of the
spud manifestation with ellen mandemakers and wouter van tilborg.
– kick-off of the knoedel machine on thursday, 9 january, 2025, 7pm
– artist talk and celebratory fries on sunday 12 january 3pm
opening times:
thursday: 7-9pm
friday-sunday: 1-5pm
artisbook foundation, groningen/nl
transtonations in residency.ch
november 2024
spend for development of new works and joint creations
participating artists __ peter aerschmann, marcus appelberg, daniela ehemann, ingeborg entrop, simon whetham
supported by foundation gerbrandy culture fund
residence „drop out“ („aussteigen“)
dornach monastery
30 september – 14 october 2024, dornach/ch
dieter mach, marijke breuers, tanja isbarn
sunday 21 july to 11 august 2024
vernissage sunday 21 july 11 am
open tuesday, wednesday, thursday 2-5pm, sunday 11am-14pm
closed on public holidays
tekenkabinet XII
#2 galerie art singel 100, 1015 ad amsterdam,
08 august – 15 september 2024
#1 Projectruimte BMB, Kerkstraat 129A, 1017GE Amsterdam.
12 april – 19 may 2024
‘greetings from….’
mail art at ARTisBOOK
among others on display project HEFT COLLECT (sophie schmidt/tanja isbarn)
open april 20, 2024, 1-5pm
duration of the presentation until May 11, 2024
openinghours friday and saturday 1-5pm and by appointment
the last meal (of the year)
a collaboration with Marnix Sixma and Lola Diaz Cantoni
one afternoon in the realm of performing acts, food, word and text, a performance by the groningen vocal exploration choir and a silent dinner
december 29, 2-6pm, biotoop haren, wing a (east side), studio 010
transtonations in eicas
initiation/curation/participation of an international multimedia presentation
a show focussing on the étude#5 by Astor Piazzolla
with works of a group of six artist colleagues from five european countries
in cooperation with and in museum eicas, nieuwe markt 23, 7411 pb deventer/overijssel, nl
opening september 23rd , 3pm
to be seen until october 15th 2023, more information will follow
20230801 kunstkrantTranstonations kk def lichtblauw
20230901TRANSTONATIONS def 0109
nevengeul (part of ijsselbiënnale) 2023
groep exhibition on the subject of fundamental tones (grondtonen).
participation with the colletive installation ‘be my coral ___ be my rose’
location turnhal ellecom, eikenstraat 5, 6955 jb ellecom/gelderland, nl
to be seen from 17 june – 17 september 2023, daily 11am-6pm
more general information to be found here
may 19th 8-11pm
a cooperative performance with lola diaz cantoni
based on the senses and the contributions of the participating visitors
as part of the (pop-up) exhbition programme of foundation wep, groningen,nl
foundation wep, group exhibition, groningen/nl
be my coral ___ be my rose in cas di koral
second presentation of participatory work in cas di koral, groningen/nl
a space-filling installation in a private house (bahama-architecten)
02-10.10.2022 cas di koral, bastion 4 , 9723 zh groningen/nl
opening 2 october 2 pm with all makers and the artist and architect present , for everyone interested,
email tanja@tanjaisbarn.com for a visit in the period 3-10 october
groupexhibition in context of ‘grafiek2022 – ontmoeten’,
1 – 23 october 2022 kunstlokaalo8, jubbega/nl
opening 1 october 3pm, finissage 16 october 5 pm
unfolding the leporello – (documentation of all making sessions and other incidents, period may 2019- oktober 2020)
an act of holding, reading and passing on en situ, performed by the makers
1st may 2022, 5pm
galerie noord, nieuwstad 6, 9711 jp groningen
(filmdocumentation in progres to be integrated in the documentary ‘bmc___bmr’ (CINEbeeld) )
be my coral ___ be my rose
solo presentation at galerie noord/nl
28.11.2020- January 2021 (due to pandemie concrete dates will follow asap)
voor further information please contact tanja@tanjaisbarn.com
also find announcements @ www.galerienoord.nl
Floris van den Berg – zoom- lezing 17.12.2020 :
just another blockbuster #64
online (stock) exhibition
kunstlokaal 08/nl
05/06 2020
galerie noord/nl
artphy ‘vergankelijjkheid’ (impermanence)
nieuwe atelier collectie in cbk groningen
week van het kunstenaarsboek 2018
groupshow at studio wilma vissers and second hand book shop berger de vries in the context of the week of the artist’s book
13-20 october 2018
art noord 2018
art fair, Museum Belvédère, 27-30 september 2018
kunstlokaal 08 represents five female artists at second edition of art noord.
group presentation in compliment to 10 years kunstlokaal 08, jubbega/nl
conditie en tegenbod
‘tolles theater’ (marcel prins, aftermath 3 feb. opening)
duo presentation with Julia Gubitz curated by Marcel Prins and Birgit Speulman, Kunstlokaalo8,Jubbega/NL
03 – 11 february 2018
zonder titel – no title
international group presentation at ruimte p60, assen/nl
curated by wilma vissers and rudy lanjouw.
opening diner – gallery space p60
joint project with sophie schmidt
28-30 october 2016
portiersloge, groningen
1st-28th november 2015
open to public: nov 4th 12-4pm, nov 12h 1-5pm, nov 20iest 10am-2pm
concept: info presentation portiersloge 11:2015
biotoop presentatie cbk groningen
For further details view attached file uitnodigingskaart Tanja Isbarn
tekenkabinet second edition
Museum waterland Purmerend
20.08.- 31.08.2014
Open: wed. – sun. 12-5pm
galerie kurt im hirsch lädt ein.
30.11. – 22.12.2013
kreise ziehen in progr, teil 2: claudicatio intermittens
(Intermittent claudication , latin: claudicatio intermittens, is a clinical diagnosis given for muscle pain (ache, cramp, numbness or sense of fatigue), classically in the calf muscle, which occurs during exercise, such as walking, and is relieved by a short period of rest. / Schaufensterbeine =Krankheit mit Zwang zum Stehenbleiben, kaschiert durch Ansehen von Schaufenstern).
a silent performance at international art space progr, bern/ch
Tanja Isbarn will be working in the showcase of progr from 29th of june until the 3rd of july 2013 on a daily basis from 12-8pm . The work process can be perceived from the pavement.
(extension of work presentation duration possible, for changes please check this website)
public ‘stroll stop’: 03rd of august 2013, 7 pm on foot-walk in front of showcase. the artist will be present (some drinks/snacks offered).
nachtijall, ik hör dir trapsen – vice versa 3
initiation: international group exhibition at galerie kurt im hirsch/berlin
works by Peter Aerschmann (ch), Tanja Isbarn (nl), Sophie Schmidt (ch), Mieke Raatjes (nl) and Wilma Vissers (nl)berlin
march 10th – april 14th 2013
opening reception, march 9th 2013, 7pm with music by Pandvogel (nl)
closing reception, april 14th 2013, 2-5pm
galerie kurt im hirsch | kastanienallee 12, 2.HH | 10435 Berlin
opening hours: Fr, Sa + So 2-5pm
Nachtijall, ick hör dir trapsen
Vice Versa 3
Cold, solitude and silence will be the most treasured living conditions or circumstances for humans in the future, according to an article in Volkskrant (NL) ,January 2013.
What would you miss the most, if it was not available? Which of these human states would you prefer in your daily life?
When attempting to understand ‘the self’ in reference to ‘the other’ and based on a ‘real’ connection to one’s needs and longings, we could start off with looking at the human body as in Mieke Raatjes’ work. It creeps into the inner parts of organs, reaching fiber constructions and cell formations. Highly developed modern technology makes it possible to get that view into micro worlds of various kinds. Scientific information is simplified and made accessible for a wider public. The ‘ordinary people’ are now able to connect those impressions of invisible bodily systems and images with the macro world of e.g. urban areas transformed into dreamlike film sequences by Peter Aerschmann.
We might get wiser. We might get lost.
The group of artists presenting in ‘Nachtijall, ick hör dir trapsen’ have both similar and dissimilar linking elements found in their oeuvres.
Repetition and rhythm of mark making , Tanja Isbarn, loop sequences, regularity in contrast to the slight ‘off’ situation, playfulness in reference to the scale of purchased or found things as seen in Wilma Vissers work, human dis-ordered conditions could be mentioned as some catchwords or triggers circling around at Kurt im Hirsch.
A craftsmanship concept, here stressing the slowing down of production processes, can be discovered on a high level of performing excellence when looking at Sophie Schmidt’s works on paper and, generally speaking, in all exhibits.
The livre des métiers of 1268 lists about a hundred crafts, divided into seven groups: Food, jewelry, metals, textiles and clothiers, furs and building.
According to Richard Sennett (The Craftsman, 2008) the medieval goldsmith represented both a place-bound expert of his craft enjoying high reputation of the community by approval of his honesty through assay, and the travelling goldsmith as journeyman responding to opportunities in foreign cities:”Through his managerial talents and moral behavior he had to convince (these) strangers that he could become one of them.”
The presentation “Nachtijall, ick hör dir trapsen” is a reflection of this tradition and can be seen as a modern migration of artistic talent which is both dynamic and entrepreneurial. The presentation brings together the works of five artists from three European countries. We like to invite the audience to use their imaginations when drawing any possible line between the works.
As the title of the show quotes an old Berlin saying, originating from a song (“Frau Nachtigall“ from „Des Knaben Wunderhorn“), this exhibition does not want to provoke fears of the other as in medieval terms: people and their goods and which can be equally experienced in modern societies, but instead calls for an inspiring visit at Kurt’s 2013 Wonderland with a variety of tones and sound offering the chance to compose something refreshingly new.
Tanja Isbarn, January 2013
Vice Versa in Bristol
Tamany Baker, Marian Brugman, Arantxa Echarte, Ilhona Hakvoort, Mattijs Hendriks, Tanja Isbarn, Penny Jones, Natasha MacVoy, Mel Shearsmith, Merijn Vrij, Moniek Westerman
Preview: Thursday 19 November 2009, 6-9pm
Gallery Open: 20 Nov – 6 Dec 2009, Thurs–Sun, 12-6pm (or by appointment)
Motorcade/FlashParade, BV Studios, Philip Street, Bristol, BS3 4DR
Motorcade/FlashParade presents VICE VERSA a group show culminating from a series of exchanges between eleven artists from Bristol, UK and Groningen, Holland.
Over the course of a year exchange visits have been made to share working practices, debate and conversation, with collaborative group shows in each city. In November Bristol will host VICE VERSA alongside a dynamic programme of workshops, talks and a public seminar. The seminar, to be held at the Spike Island Associates Space, will address associated values of swapping or replacing, giving and receiving, and the sharing of knowledge or experience to produce change.
Discussions and debate will explore the practical experience of exchange between artists from different countries, why we choose to create these relationships and what impact they can have on our practice.
VICE VERSA includes new work made specifically for the Motorcade/FlashParade gallery. The artists work with a range of media, strategies and tactics including photography, painting, performance, appropriation and installation. Site specificity is confronted and reflected through recycled and manipulated local natural materials whilst other works reinterpret the gallery context, creating a sense of encounter and dissonance. The persistent interest in materials oscillates between seductive beauty and a disquieting fascination.
VICE VERSA concludes a year’s exploration of exchange in which collaboration and individuality have played important parts. The conversations begun in the gallery may be continued and debated long after the public seminar finishes.
Associated events:
VICE VERSA Public Seminar, 21 November 2009, Saturday 10.30am – 4.00pm
Spike Island Associates Space, 133 Cumberland Road, Bristol, BS1 6UX
Further information on the project and details on booking for events available at www.viceversaexchange.net
VICE VERSA is supported by several organisations including the Arts Council Southwest, Kunstraad Groningen, Alias Arts, Spike Island Associates, UWE and Land2.
soloshow, Groningen/NL 2008
groupshow Verkuno, Roden/NL
Wet paint
groupshow in Pictura, Groningen/NL, 2001